Saturday, April 22, 2006


Ready for the weekend!!!

On Thursday this last week I had a meeting (required) in OKC. The 16 United Methodist-related campus ministers meet on a quarterly basis to discuss issues and make plans for the future. After the meeting, four of us went out to eat and talked for hours which meant I got back to Ada really late. It was raining (slightly) just as I drove into Ada...

On Friday, after having lunch w/a couple of friends, I went to Dallas with Rob and Tyler. Rob wanted to visit Westminster Theological Seminary. The main campus is in Philly... the Texas campus meets in an office building. They have two classrooms, a library, and 8 faculty offices. That's it. It is radically different from Asbury Theological Seminary! At Asbury, we had three dorms, several buildings including a chapel which could seat about 600, and a student center complete with a cafeteria and a gym! WTS is located in the middle of a bustling city... ATS is located in a small, quaint town in the heart of the Bluegrass. ATS is conservative/Wesleyan-Arminian. WTS is conservative/Reformed. You can't get more opposite... but both places lift up the Christ-centered life and the importance of the Scriptures in the Christian faith. Both seek to transform the world because of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

It's amazing to me just how diverse the Christian faith is... from Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic... to groups like Pentecostals and Church of Christ... Southern Baptists, Methodists, and Presbyterians... Quackers...Amish... Salvation Army... Episcopalians... it's truly mind-boggling!

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