Friday, February 23, 2007


The Way of the Cross

Today is the first Friday in Lent, that long season of the church year when Christians prepare themselves for Easter.

Back in the day, people would make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem and re-trace the steps of Jesus as he made his way to the cross. When people could not go to Jerusalem, they would make these steps, in prayer, wherever they were. This became known as the Stations of the Cross.

One of the ways Christians practice Lent is by spending more time in prayer. The Stations (or Way) of the Cross is one of the ways of praying that is popular during Lent. Often Christians will gather on Fridays as a community and pray their way through these stations.

In Ada, both St. Luke's Episcopal Church and St. Joseph Catholic Church have gatherings for praying the Stations of the Cross.

Here are some websites with more info:

i gotta say, i miss 'stations of the cross'...:(
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